AuthorJim Flynn is a humorist, writer and novelist. He is available for speaking engagements. To contact email: [email protected] Archives
February 2025
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Prediction: Hole-in-One by 2045!7/6/2024 I heard an interview with a man named Ray Kurzweil. We should probably pay attention to him. He's very smart, as in go to MIT when you're 14 years old smart. Twenty years ago Kurzweil predicted what is happening now in Artificial Intelligence. Ray says: We are going to expand intelligence a millionfold by 2045. Well Ray, you don't know some of the guys I play golf with. They are currently not smart enough to tell time; they always show up late. Let's aim for two millionfold for them. So I listened to more of Ray. Oh, he's advocating using computer technology, stuff like installing computer chips in people's brains. Okay, now we're talkin'! Ray, I will forward some names to you to use as test subjects for brain chip implants. The list of initial nominees for timing chips to be installed in their cerebral cortexes: xxxxx, xxxxxxxx, xx, xxxxxxx (names redacted for privacy reasons). If they don't volunteer, snatch them out of their beds in the middle of the night. It's for their own long term benefit. I assume the procedure will be relatively painless. If not, trust me, they can handle it. What is anesthesia for, after all? The interviewer went on to ask Ray more specific questions. For example: what would sex be like in this hybrid, part human/part computer scenario? Ray said that a physical act won't be necessary, it can all happen in the chip in a person's brain, and they won't know the difference. But I'm unlikely to care about that in 2045. Let's get to the important item. How is this Brave New World going to effect my golf game? I'm spitballing here, but as I understand Futurist Kurzweil, I will be able to play golf using only the chip in my brain. Therefore, I issue this bold prediction: I will have a hole-in-one by 2045. I don't want to get greedy, but I may shoot a 54-under-par round of 18 for eighteen holes, an ace on every hole! Short sighted individuals: Go out and spend your money on new golf clubs! Not me. I'm saving up now, because I want to be able to afford the state-of-the-art in golf computer chip brain implants. The illustration above is what I imagine my appearance will be by 2045 when the golf chip has taken over my brain. Do you like the hat? I'm also considering getting a Jeopardy contestant brain chip. I was on Jeopardy once---bet it all on the last question, got it wrong, ended up with $0. Let's reboot. Install the chip and I'll take Subatomic Particle Physics for 2,000, Alex! When people are a millionfold smarter, I do think the Jeopardy questions will be harder. And hopefully, no more questions on Pop Music of the 2010s. Why this discussion? Because AI plays an important role in my upcoming novel, Useful Idiot. If you like these blog posts, and think you know someone else who'd be interested, please forward the link to them. It's how I grow my readership. Don't let this happen to you! Above is one possible future scenario of a golfer who did not save enough for top-of-the-line implants and had to go with the bargain basement exterior golf brain chips. Let's see this guy get through TSA at the airport!
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